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OFF2Real v0.1 (alpha) -- Documentation
OFF2Real converts 3d-object files from OFF format to Real3D v2.47 format. The
coordinates of the converted object can be scaled to values between 0 and 1 in
order to achieve optimal precision and ease of use in Real3D.
The OFF file should be generated by `tddd2off`, a program from the TDDD-Lib
package by Glenn Lewis which allows various conversions from Imagine´s TDDD
format. TDDD-Lib is available on Aminet in gfx/3d/.
OFF2Real is FREEWARE, you can use and distribute it at no cost but not for profit.
Please leave this documentation with the program.
One appeal though:
If you are a talented 3d-designer and created some interesting objects or if you
are a programmer and developed an interesting program, which didn´t cost you too
much effort, consider to distribute your work as freeware for the benefit of all.
I think the idea of freeware is a wonderful unselfish concept which should be
supported (You know, the best things in life are for free...)
This program is in a very early developement stage, so be sure not to work on
anything important while you try it out and better use RAM:, SD0: or a similar
volatile data carrier for storage of intermediate files generated during the
conversion process. You have been warned...
(It never crashed on my computer, though.)
The program is written in ANSI-C and compiled with gcc v2.6.1 using the `-m68000`
switch, so in theory all you need is the ixemul library (version 40.4 or higher)
in your LIBS: directory. However, I was not able to test the program on any
computer other than my A4000, so if you run into problems send me an E-mail and
I will try to fix it.
The program should be started from CLI with
`OFF2Real <-scale | -noscale> <OFF-File> <Real3d-File>`
(substitute suiting filenames for <...>). First of all, however, you would want
to convert a 3d-object from TDDD format to OFF format by
`tddd2off -geom <TDDD-File> <OFF-File>`.
For example, let´s say you have a stunning masterpiece called `my_object.iob`
in your current directory together with `tddd2off` and `OFF2Real`.
`tddd2off -geom my_object.iob RAM:test_object` will create a file named `test_object.geom`
located in RAM: (remember my warning ?).
Now typing `OFF2Real -scale RAM:test_object.geom RAM:test_object.r3d` will generate an
object file in Real3D v2.47 format called `test_object.r3d` in RAM:. This object can
be loaded directly into Real3D by the menu entry `Project/Objects/Insert` and will
show up as `RAM:test_obje` (simply the OFF-filename trimmed to 15 characters) in the
Select Window.
It should be no problem to integrate the two conversion steps into a shell script
which will offer you a direct "TDDD2Real" functionality (just take a look at the
supplied `T3D2Real` script and you will get the idea).
The converted object is a so called TRISET Real3D primitive, which keeps file size,
memory usage and rendering speed down in comparison to numerous triangle primitives.
Furthermore you can ask Real3D to do a Phong shading with the object (by choosing
the menu `Modify/Freeform/Type`) which will produce a smoother look in rendering.
The converted object is a so called TRISET Real3D primitive, which means that only
triangular modelled objects can be converted (no splines, spheres etc.). Additionally
it can only have a uniform color due to a limitation of Real3D. This fact gets even
worse because OFF2Real at this moment is unable to convert the original hierarchy of
the Imagine object (in fact there is no hierarchy information in an OFF file).
Fortunately there are ways to overcome these problems:
1. If you own Imagine (I don´t) there should be a possibility to save each subobject
and convert them individually (this might be tedious, I know)
Note: I just discovered that tddd2off supports a `-split` switch which will split
an object into its subobjects (thus generating several ".geom" files)
2. Use single-colored brushmaps to recolor the object in Real3D
3. Wait for the next version of the program, which will hopefully be able to convert
the original hierarchy (this is high on my priority list)
I was able to test the program with a few objects from Aminet in gfx/3dobj/ and so far
only had problems with a huge object file of a `57 chevy (Real3D loads it ok, but is
not able to do anything with it), but since `showobj`, a TDDD-object viewer, couldn´t
display it properly I don´t know if OFF2Real is to blame for it (By using the `-split`
switch of `tddd2off` I was able to convert it, though).
Apart from this there are probably still a lot of bugs in this program and if you find
some please tell me about it by E-mail.
A potential source of trouble is the OFF-file which has to follow EXACTLY the syntax
generated by `tddd2off` i.e.:
Line 1: <# of points> <# of faces> <# of edges>
Line 2: <x coord> <y coord> <z coord>
Line <# of points> + 1: <x coord> <y coord> <z coord>
Line <# of points> + 2: `3` <index 1> <index 2> <index 3>
Line <# of points> +
<# of faces> + 1: `3` <index 1> <index 2> <index 3>
This means that OFF2Real3d cannot be used as a general OFF format converter at this
moment. Due to the rather simple structure of this format it shouldn´t be hard to
add this functionality if there is need for it (i.e. lots of interesting objects in
OFF format).
You can use `tddd2dxf` from TDDD-Lib and Realsoft´s DxfToRPL to convert your objects
to separate triangles. As said before this type of conversion has its drawbacks, but
it allows you to unleash Real3D´s particle system on your object (Explode it, blow it
away, etc.). Hey, one could even use both types of objects in a single animation, I
have to try this out...
Glenn "T3D" Lewis for his excellent TDDD-Lib
Alexander Vilbig, microbiologist and computer scientist in spe
Send bug-reports, suggestions, etc. to vilbig@informatik.tu-muenchen.de